A 666-Character Review of ‘VFW’

Release Date
September 21, 2019
Joe Begos

A “gritty, violent, rip-roaring fun time” is the only way I can accurately describe this film. A brief set-up, followed by non-stop action and tons of gore. Set in a single location, you can’t help but feel a little trapped as the viewer, adding to the heightened experience. What surprised me was how genuine the camaraderie between the veterans felt; a bunch of established actors all behaving like lifelong friends. It’s a simple premise paired with a great cast and amazing practical effects, that allows the film to play out in a way that is never boring, was highly entertaining, and didn’t attempt being too clever. Dare I say, Begos at his best? Recommended!

VFW screened as part of the 10th Annual Telluride Horror Show.


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