A 666-Character Review of ‘Ava’s Possessions’

Ava’s Possessions, written and directed by Jordan Galland, is a tale not often told in horror: one not of demonic possession, but of its aftermath. When a month of Ava’s life disappears, she is forced to attend a supernatural AA in order to trace her demon’s path of destruction, make reparations, and restore her reputation. If she fails, she not only risks jail time, but another visit from the demon who is actively trying to re-inhabit her body. Overall, this film is a fun and unique take on a traditionally dark and gore-soaked sub-genre of horror. Unfortunately, what should’ve been the big reveal at the end was more confusing than enlightening for me, and fell a bit flat. But despite the slightly disappointing ending, Ava’s Possessions is still worth a watch, and will be available in select theaters and on VOD March 4th.

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