A 666-Character Review of ‘The Free Fall’

Adam Stilwell
Kent Harper
Andrea Condo, Shawn Ashmore, & Jane Badler
Our Score

A story told from the perspective of an unreliable witness holds endless potential for flexibility. The Free Fall plays in that space while also lending unique perspective to a common theme. The second act suffers a bit under the weight of its own mystique. As the watcher, I found myself constantly questioning if what I was seeing was real or imagined, which, while integral to the plot, also blurred the thread a bit, and made my understanding of events extremely volatile. The film very narrowly skirts caving in on its own folds, but does manage to unpack itself quite nicely in the third act. The conclusion somehow manages to be somewhat obvious without seeming entirely predictable. Prepare to be surprised by what was right under your nose the whole time.

The Free Fall is available now on VOD.

Reader Rating0 Votes
Visually striking
Digestible runtime
Messy second act
Slow pacing
Handful of meh performances

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