A 666-Character Review of ‘Scream: The Vanishing’

The endgame has officially begun as the killer switches from close calls and side-character-kills to putting the remaining Sixers in some real danger. And with last episode’s “next time on Scream” leaving everyone wondering if they’d really just seen the death of a main character, it’s been a week of worry and anticipation. The spoiled scene comes early, but the tension doesn’t stop there. It’s a race against the clock, and a call to come together for Emma and Audrey as they work to save a friend. All the while, Sheriff Acosta and Maggie Duvall investigate whether or not Brandon James is somehow behind everything. Compared to last episode’s evidence-heavy tone, this was a nice bit of thriller-esque drama. It’ll be very interesting to see how things get wrapped up in just two more episodes.

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