A 666-Character Review of ‘Baghead (2008)’

Release Date
January 22, 2008
Mark & Jay Duplass

After witnessing a terrible independent film at a festival, a group of four struggling writers and actors decide they could do better and head to Big Bear, leaving that night. Although their struggle to come up with a plot is significant, it’s nothing compared to the sack-headed threat lurking outside the cabin’s windows. Equal parts slasher and love…square, this sometimes clunky film about struggling filmmakers is a real charmer. The naturalistic performances from mumblecore muses Steve Zissis and Greta Gerwig (while not faultless), glow, even this early in their careers. Directors Mark & Jay Duplass’s process seems more polished. Stronger cinematography that at the same time maintains an improvised feeling. At the end of the road, Baghead is more shocking than you’d expect.

Seminal in "Mumblegore" genre
Early Greta Gerwig
Camera quality
Amount of actual horror

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