Pack Your PJs for ‘Adam Green’s Scary Sleepover’

Horror icons spending the night at the Ariescope office, reminiscing about past projects, eating junk, & watching scary movies? Absolutely. Yes. Some of my favorite childhood memories are filled to the brim with Carpenter & Craven films, my best friends, Pizza Hut, & Dr. Pepper. Adam Green is able to capture that adolescent joy in his new web-series, ‘Adam Green’s Scary Sleepover’.

Episode one features Kane Hodder, known widely as the “best” Jason Voorhees, & the man most likely to have choked you out at a horror convention. Green does a great job of presenting a quick Hodder horror history, eventually (after getting cozy) asking questions like “why do you like scaring people?,” & “what scares you, in real life?” This is a nostalgia-filled, Capri Sun-fueled treat for all serious horror fans. Upcoming guests will include Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Joe Lynch, Derek Mears, Tony Todd, Danielle Harris, and Darren Bousman.

“The goal is to eventually get to everyone we can and to feature as many notable artists as possible not only from the horror genre but also from the entertainment industry at large,” Green says. “What I think fans will be surprised by is that despite the silly premise of seeing some of their favorite artists don their favorite pajamas, roll out a sleeping bag, play games, eat junk food, and act like children again… in each episode when I get to the important questions like “what scares you?” the answers are surprisingly personal and real. You’re not often going to get answers like “I’m scared of spiders” or “I’m afraid of heights” here. Instead you’re going to hear very personal and far deeper rooted fears. Family illness, failure, rejection, the current state of the world… nobody has held back.”

Season one will be 12 episodes long, with new episodes released every Friday on the Ariescope YouTube channel. Longer, uncensored versions will be released on their website.

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