Dystopian Alien Occupation Thriller ‘Captive States’ Has a Trailer and a Goodman

Set in a Chicago neighborhood nearly a decade after an occupation by an extra-terrestrial force, Captive State explores the lives on both sides of the conflict – the collaborators and dissidents.

Sci-fi is getting a big push this spring by way of director Rupert Wyatt (Rise of the Planet of the Apes). Starring Ashton Sanders (Moonlight), John Goodman, Jonathan Majors, and Vera Farmiga, this alien invasion-meets-social commentary takes viewers on a journey to overthrow the government under long term control by extraterrestrials. Depending on which trailer you watch, different themes are pushed more heavily but anarchy, futuristic tech, and unrest seem to be the main components.

With Dreamworks production credits and Focus Features distribution, look for Captive State in theaters on March 29.

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