A 666-Character Review of ‘Deathgasm’

We’ve all seen (or lived) the story of the new kid in town, the odd-one-out who draws the wrath of the cool kids. Deathgasm takes the outsider archetype to a new level with two teens who accidentally conjure an evil spirit. The result is nostalgic for those who grew up as any version of the ‘black sheep’ in town, and enjoyable for anyone who craves a healthy dose of gore. Much the like metal genre, Deathgasm is fast-paced, apocalyptic, vulgarly humorous, and more guts & splatter than horror. Recommended if you: 1) are a metalhead; 2) have a taste for blood and humor in the macabre sense; and/or 3) like hot blondes toting sharp weapons. Brutal. As. Fuck. \m/

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