‘Look Away’ is ‘Carrie’ on Ice With a Supernatural Lean

High school is hard, but it seems hellish for young lady who’s parents even agree…

A lonely 18-year-old high schooler named Maria (India Eisley) opens up to her reflection because of the lack of support she has from family and her peers. She switches place with her supportive, but evil, twin that she discovers in the mirror’s reflection, but the newfound freedom unleashes other suppressed feelings.

Originally known as Behind the Glass while in production, Look Away is the second feature from Israeli filmmaker Assaf Bernstein (The Debt). While this isn’t the most original story, there’s a palpable manic energy and cruelty on display in this trailer. Will it hold throughout the runtime? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Look Away will be visible in select theaters and on VOD starting October 12th.

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