A 666-Character Review of ‘Satan’s Slaves’

A large family experiences the loss of their matriarch and then experiences supernatural disturbances on top of their financial troubles. Satan’s Slaves was one part family drama, one part supernatural horror, and one part cult craziness. The family drama was well done as they are left destitute, selling whatever they can to support themselves. I couldn’t help but feel for them and each actor was convincing in their role. The supernatural aspects are not as well done. Each scare was predictable and broadcasted with musical cues. I didn’t feel suspense or tension at all. The ghost makeup looked exceptionally cheesy. By the time the cult aspects come up, the story felt too convoluted. Satan’s Slaves was an interesting film in regard to culture and religion, but fell flat as a horror film.

Satan’s Slaves screened as part of What the Fest!? 2018

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