A 666-Character Review of ‘Valley of Shadows’

Valley of Shadows is a quiet, slow moving film that is a horror tinged drama. Aslak is a young boy who is much too serious, quiet, and solitary for his age. He’s often alone due to lack of friends and his mother’s all-consuming grief pushing him away. All the information he gets is from listening and snooping about because no one tells him anything directly. The only constant in his life is his dog Rapp, who follows him everywhere. When the dog goes missing, Aslak ventures into the forest alone to find him even though he’s convinced a werewolf is terrorizing his town. You can’t help but care for this boy and hope for his safe return home. The horror comes in the unknown supernatural element and the real life danger of the forest. The journey borders on fairy tale, but stays squarely in bleak reality.

Vally of Shadows screened as part of What the Fest!? 2018.

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