A 666-Character Review of ‘Winchester’

The wealthy widow of a manufacturing mogul is attempting to set things right with those who’s lives have been taken by their creation. No, I’m not talking about Winchester Roller Skates. The film revolves around the impressive, “true” story about, “America’s Most Haunted House”. I’ll admit that when I hear a horror has a factual hook, it’s often later found in my cheek. I should also add, I usually leave my seat disappointed. Early info dumps, clunky story construction (eh…get it…construction?), and a jump scare success rate of one in ten, feet are dragged. When we get up to speed, things remain shaky, but a southern butler with odd energy finds room to shine. The film has beautiful bones, but even with Mirren acting her black veil covered face off, there’s just not enough organic meat.

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