IFC Midnight’s ‘Let’s Be Evil’ Gets First-Personal

Step into a virtual reality nightmare. Desperately in need of money to care for a sick parent, Jenny (Elizabeth Morris) takes a job supervising children at a learning center for gifted students. But when she and two other new employees are ushered into a maximum-security underground bunker where eerily robotic children are outfitted with augmented reality glasses, Jenny finds herself thrust into a disturbing technological experiment in which she is an unwitting player in a terrifying virtual game. This future shock brain-bender is a creepy kids thriller for our tech-addicted culture.

Let’s Be Evil seems like it might present us all with some tonal whiplash. The trailer bounces from optimistic scifi, to killer kids ala The Brood, and ends with that Kids In America song that seems to have never been used for anything good ever. It does seem neat, though, I’m still digging the sudden influx of first person movies kind of bending the Found Footage gimmick into something more fresh and less shaky. Plus it kind of looks like an anti-augmented reality scare piece from a dimension where Google Glass actually took off. Neat gimmick, decent atmosphere, and interesting visuals; I’ve got some hope for this one.


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