Episode 72: Under the Shadow / Waverly Hills Sanatorium

This week we find out what not to watch with your bros on a casual Saturday, talk paranormal possibilities at Waverley Hills Sanatorium/Sanatarium, & review Babak Anvari’s djinn laden debut, Under the Shadow.

Also, we talk with Adam Egypt Mortiner (Some Kind of Hate), producer of the horror anthology ‘Holidays’, & director of its ‘New Years Eve’ segment.

Companion Material:


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  1. Hi guys! I just stumbled on your podcast and found this episode about Waverly Hills. You said you would love to hear from anyone who had been to Waverly so I thought I would share my story.
    I grew up in the south end of Louisville, KY where Waverly is located. You can see the structure towering over Dixie Highway (the main road through this end of town) and it is a haunting building. Growing up I always thought it was a castle and I begged my grandmother to take me and she always refused. Turns out she had family that had passed away up there and that place had horrible memories for her. As you grow up you hear the stories of Waverly and all of the ghost stories that linger around the property and it is so intriguing.
    About six or seven years ago I went on a night tour of Waverly. You can actually do a overnight stay tour but I’m a little too chicken for that. We went in with a group and were guided by one of the workers who told the back story of each floor. Just knowing the history of the place makes the building extra creepy. It has a very morbid vibe and the air just feels extremely heavy.
    There were a few key things that stood out from this tour. Supposedly the reason the one owner let vandals come in and dug around the foundation was because he wanted to tear it down and build the worlds largest Jesus statue. its amazing this building has stood up as much damage has been done. I remember being in a room where there was a sign that showed a girl leaning up against a window ledge for a picture and in the picture was a face floating beside her. The girl was doing a tour and stopped to pose for this picture and then when it was developed they noticed this face. The Shadow Hallway on the 4th floor will give you the heeby jeebys to no end. You really can watch shadows go back and forth across the hall. You want to be skeptical because it is dark and deep down you really hope your eyes are just playing tricks on you but the feeling in that hallway is just so weird. Also another creepy thing (that was done during the vandalism phase) is that someone went in and used spray paint to draw the Candy Man character on one of the walls. That movie always terrified me and to see that on top of being in Waverly was just….whew!
    The body chute is pretty sketchy going through. There are steps running along a concrete slab that runs down the hill. Its dark, damp, and there is absolutely no way that I would want to hang out there longer than a tour lasted. Its creepy.
    If you are ever in Louisville and looking for something to do I would highly recommend it. During Halloween they actually turn the ground floor into a haunted house but doing an actual tour is way better than a cheesy haunted house (with chainsaws and Jasons running around). It is worth the trip to get in there and check it out!
    Im so glad I found your podcast, I cant wait to check out more episodes and give myself the creeps while I work. Keep up the great work!

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