The Hunt Is On In ‘The Horde’

John Crenshaw (Logan) has given up his life as leader of his Navy SEAL team to settle down and marry his girlfriend, Selina (Brouwer). He accompanies Selina and her students on a weekend nature photography expedition deep into the Oregon woods. What starts out as an educational and fun-filled weekend turns into horror as the group is besieged by an unspeakable evil – a horde of hideously disfigured, mutated humans with an insatiable taste for blood. The horde savagely attacks the camp. John fights off some and is left for dead as the creatures led by the sadistic Atkinson take Selina and the group back to their camp. Battered and enraged, Crenshaw must once again embrace the life he left behind to track down and kill the horde. He uses all of his Special Gorces training to try to save the group. With unrelenting danger around every corner, he must deal with the savage mutants and human deceit. As things go from bad to worse, Crenshaw becomes their only hope if they are going to get out alive.

A mind-bending woodsy horror flick with scares, gore and anxiety. A large part of the horror in the film comes from some intense special effects and creative creature details. Darkness falls and hope is lost, and the setting goes sinister almost instantaneously, and the movie promises to be a great jumpy ride. While a lot of the film is dramatic, scary and sometimes humorous, the majority of The Horde is the same lost-in-the-woods-someone’s-going-to-get-me we have seen previously.  An adventurous film with interesting footage The Horde simply falls short on the seemingly purposeful B-Movie acting, lackluster originality and slow plot.

The Horde will be available on VOD May 6th, 2016.

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