A 666-Character Review Of ‘The Final Project’

Six students making a documentary about an abandoned plantation get more than they bargained for when the rumors of a haunting may prove to be true. It’s formulaic, sure, but it’s not familiarity that bred contempt here. It’s just flat out hard to watch. If the cameras aren’t shaking they’re poorly framed, as soon as night falls the lighting goes to pieces, and the audio mix leaves a lot to be desired. And all of that is by found-footage standards. The time was poorly budgeted with nearly 30 of 80 minutes spent on setting up characters, purpose, and mythos. The horror is subpar as kills coming in the form of falling cameras, loud noises account for almost of the scares, and the twist is so obvious it barely counts. We’ve seen this story and we’ve seen it better, which makes this effort extra rough.

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