Discover Dark Alchemy of Forgotten Songs in Folk Horror ‘All You Need is Death’

A young couple who are a part of a mysterious, secret organization travel at night with the desire to discover forbidden knowledge. They believe that living, modern alchemy is contained in old, forgotten songs. When they find an elderly, mysterious woman who sings songs that have never been heard before, they open the door to ancient evil and madness.

Starring a stellar cast including Olwen Fouéré (known for her roles in “Mandy” and as Sally Hardesty in 2022’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Charlie Maher of “Blue Lights” fame, Simone Collins from “The Last Duel,” and Gary Whelan, recognized for his work in The Contract, the film promises an unforgettable delve into the depths of fear. And audiences agree as it had a buzzy reception when it premiered at Beyond Fest in Los Angeles.

Dropping like a bomb into the canon of folk horror, Paul Duane’s masterful debut feature is nightmare fuel like no other. Set within the constant darkness of the countryside, this eerie, cautionary tale ratchets up the scares, building up a third act so wild, so wonderful, so unforgettable that to see it is to immediately fall in love with. 
Program Notes by Evrim Ersoy

An equally impactful Irish premiere at the Cork International Film Festival, solidly places the film on our most anticipated radar.

Produced by XYZ Films, known for their expertise in delivering spine-chiller’s like Deadgirl, Spring, The Invitation, and so many more…
All You Need is Death will be available on VOD and in select theaters April 11th.

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