A 666-Character Review Of ‘Candyman’

How does a horror fan justify watching movies like Muck before seeing a classic like Candyman? They don’t. Mea culpa. When I finally met Daniel Robitelle and Helen Lyle, I was a bit worried their world would not live up to more than a decade of hype that I’ve heard every time I confess to this hole in my horror cannon. Though definitely a 90s horror film, with the combined forces of a very legit lead actress (Virginia Madsen) and a story crafted by a true master of the genre (Clive Barker), it is the leader of its class. The story of a Bloody-Mary-style legend, tied to the projects of Chicago and the horrible fate of a slave from the 1800s, all make for a very compelling tale. Whether you’re a virgin viewer or a seasoned veteran, I highly recommend checking out Candyman. Definitely worthy of your time.

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